You Got The Love
Lyrics taken from one of the greatest dance music tunes of all time by The Source and Candi Staton originally released in 1986, filtered through my lettering process and replayed directly onto canvas using spray paint.
Spray paint on canvas - 100 x 50cm (2023)
Lyrics taken from one of the greatest dance music tunes of all time by The Source and Candi Staton originally released in 1986, filtered through my lettering process and replayed directly onto canvas using spray paint.
Spray paint on canvas - 100 x 50cm (2023)
Lyrics taken from one of the greatest dance music tunes of all time by The Source and Candi Staton originally released in 1986, filtered through my lettering process and replayed directly onto canvas using spray paint.
Spray paint on canvas - 100 x 50cm (2023)